How to Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Written by Tlacaelel Ramon Luis Flores Cabrera.

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BMIThe Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measurement tool that compares your height to your weight and gives you an indication of whether you are overweight, underweight or at a healthy weight for your height. For details on calculating your BMI manually, see below.

What do you need?

  • Your weight
  • Your height

For your convenience we have placed one of our free calculators so you may go directly to the BMI calculator and get the results, if what you are looking for is doing it yourself please continue reading!

The formula uses your weight and height so first get those

Measurements in pounds/inches

BMI = (
lb / in2
) 703


BMI = (
lb / in2
) 703 = (
165 / 722
) 703 = (
165 / 5184
) 703 = ( 0.031 ) 703 = 22.3

Measurements in kilos/meters

kg / m2


kg / m2
75 / 1.832
75 / 3.3

Reference table

BMI RangePrimeCategory
< 15 < 0.60 Very severely underweight
15.0 - 16.0 0.60 - 0.64 Severely underweight
16.0 - 18.5 0.64 - 0.74 Underweight
18.5 - 25 0.74 - 1.0 Normal (healthy weight)
25 - 30 1.0 - 1.2 Overweight
30 - 35 1.2 - 1.4 Obese Class I (Moderately obese)
35 - 40 1.4 - 1.6 Obese Class II (Severely obese)
> 40 > 1.6 Obese Class III (Very severely obese)